Kristy Johnsson

Licensed Professional Counselor
Masters of Science in Clinical Counseling, Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified EMDR Basic Training, Certified Brainspotting Level 1, Certified Living Inquiries Facilitator





Types of Methods

• Psychology - Psychotherapy - Counseling
• Nature Connection Practices
• Movement - Somatics - Embodied Practices
• Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy

Working with

• Self-Guided
• One to one, personal

Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA

I offer somatic facilitation to explore your emotions, beliefs, and unique personal relationship with our collective future, guided by the wisdom of your own body. Rather than trying to force change or insight, I’ll help you be present to and curious about what’s here for you around these issues, allowing every aspect of your experience to be seen and held exactly the way it is. By being curious about our stories and listening to our bodies, we can release stuck emotions and trauma, and reconnect to our authentic selves and a genuine sense of empowerment. In a world that profits from and perpetuates so much harm through the belief that we are fundamentally wrong or broken, nothing could be more radical.

Why somatic work? 
By working somatically, we are able to resolve the trauma and conditioning that created and maintains a disconnected society, thus reconnecting us to our authentic selves and the web of life from which we have dissociated.

I find “somatic inquiry”, or asking the body questions, especially profound. A key element with somatic inquiry is curiosity. I ask questions, but I also maintain a stance of curious presence rather than control or fixing throughout the session, allowing deeper layers of emotion and belief to rise to the surface to be explored. What’s really cool about it? Even without an agenda on my part, the truth reliably shines through, and what is untrue falls away.

Healing is a vehicle for evolution
It makes sense that the healing balm for the wounds inflicted by our culture would be defined by a way of being that isn’t fostered or encouraged. By embodying unfaltering presence, curiosity, inclusivity, the willingness to allow ourselves to be exactly as we are, and engaging in deep listening to the intelligence expressed through our bodies, magical things can happen.

This is the beautiful paradox of this approach: despite our urgency and screaming that we must change, the most efficient vehicle for reconnection, healing, and evolution is moving into this moment with the willingness to be with ourselves exactly as we are, and being curious about what shows up.

Here are some reasons why I think a somatic/somatic inquiry approach is necessary to address our emotions around these topics:​

  • This approach is profoundly countercultural, and if we want real healing, real shifts, we need to try something different than what we’ve been doing.

  • Reconnecting with our bodies is the revolutionary aspect of this countercultural approach.

  • It facilitates more than good feelings, but the process itself gives us insight into our inner workings, facilitating a whole new way of relating to ourselves.

  • I’ll just be honest: I’m biased. My personal experience with this approach led me to incredible shifts in my direct perception and experience of my own body, as well as my perception of dynamics on bigger scales. It revolutionized my relationship to myself, others, and the natural world, and continues to do so.


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