There are simple rituals, ceremonies and sacred practices that have the potential to resource us as what we’ve depended on falls away. This session is …
- Type: Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy
- For: One to one, personal
- Payment: Donation or a specified span
- Guide: Sarah-Jane Menato
With this offer I will share with you what I have learnt in my profession as a psychologist and the strategies I developed for myself to stay connecte …
- Type: Psychology - Psychotherapy - Counseling
- For: Groups, teams and organisations, One to one, personal, Parent / teacher / child care provider, Self-Guided
- Payment: Free
- Guide:
Our love of Nature in all her beautiful, wild, generous, powerful and sensual ways draws us more deeply into our own natural state of being. In these …
- Type: Nature Connection Practices
- For: Self-Guided
- Payment: Fixed price
- Guide:
Limited number of 90 minute nature-based coaching sessions available by donation to those who are drawn to experience this approach for themselves. Pl …
- Type: Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy, Nature Connection Practices
- For: One to one, personal
- Payment: Donation or a specified span
- Guide:
Are you troubled by the state of the world – in Nature and humanity? Are you concerned by the unravelling and turbulence you’re witnessing on s …
- Type: Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy, Nature Connection Practices
- For: Groups, teams and organisations, One to one, personal, Self-Guided
- Payment: Fixed price
- Guide:
Many of us are called to lead (ourselves and our community) toward more regenerative, earth-healing ways to live our lives. It’s my belief that, if we …
- Type: Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy, Movement - Somatics - Embodied Practices
- For: Groups, teams and organisations, One to one, personal
- Payment: Free
- Guide: Brennan Smith
“Coming to terms” with collapse is a demanding, intense process on a ongoing basis. My own experience suggests that this is best accomplished within s …
- Type: Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy
- For: Groups, teams and organisations, One to one, personal, Parent / teacher / child care provider
- Payment: Donation or a specified span
- Guide:
What if you were able to ‘rope-off’ three months of your life to really pay attention to what matters most? Few of us can go on retreat to take time-o …
- Type: Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy, Meditation - Spiritual Guidance, Nature Connection Practices
- For: Groups, teams and organisations, One to one, personal
- Payment: Donation or a specified span
- Guide: Matthew Painton
Part of a culture that values the head over both the heart and the body, we are currently living through very challenging times. Times in which being …
- Type: Meditation - Spiritual Guidance, Movement - Somatics - Embodied Practices
- For: Groups, teams and organisations, One to one, personal, Parent / teacher / child care provider
- Payment: Free
- Guide:
- Type: Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy, Meditation - Spiritual Guidance, Psychology - Psychotherapy - Counseling
- For: Groups, teams and organisations, One to one, personal
- Payment: Fixed price
- Guide: Eveline Tijs