Navigate Collapse, with Help


You have found Deep Adaptation Guidance, the global support and resource database for organizations and individuals who are navigating their emotions, thoughts, resilience and spiritual journey under the shadow of near-term social and environmental systems collapse as outlined in the Deep Adaptation paper by Dr. Jem Bendell. You can also find out more about the principles of  Facilitation for Deep Adaptation in a more recent academic paper by Jem and Katie Carr (Nov 2020). 

Additional sources of support. 

  • The Deep Adaptation Facebook page is a community of support where you can also find out about free, online, facilitated events such as Deep Listening, Deep Relating and Death Cafes.
  • The Deep Adaptation Forum hosts a Community Space with self-organized discussion about many aspects of Deep Adaptation.

Guides from all over the world with different approaches

Our goal is to get you the support you seek, in the way that fits your needs and world view. We have Guides from all over the world, who speak a variety of languages and use a variety of on-line and in-person approaches to facilitating Deep Adaptation for you or your organization.

Free, by Donation, or Fixed Fee – Our Offers

You’ll notice that some Deep Adaptation Guides volunteer their time to support a limited number of clients. On the offers page, you will see their availability by filtering for Free offers. Other Guides may offer coaching/counselling sessions to qualifying clients on a donation basis. Still others offer fixed-rate paid services, and the investment for those services are clearly shown beside each of those offers.

The journey of Deep Adaptation

The journey of Deep Adaptation starts with the uncomfortable realisation that the environment and social systems are in a state of collapse. Processing and adjusting to this realisation can place heavy demands on our emotional, physical, intellectual, social and spiritual resources.

Deep Adaptation is a rich internal process of coming to terms with — and responding to — dire global realities. The term ‘Deep Adaptation’ was first conceived by Dr Jem Bendell.

Deep Adaptation is innovative, as humanity has never before faced what we are facing now. The guides gathered here are all learning how to adapt, and how best to adapt their methodologies to help others with aspects of their adaptation. We are a community of Guides with a growing body of practise, methods, knowledge and expertise.