Annual 8 week shared online adventure into Deep Adaptation

  • Type: Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy, Meditation - Spiritual Guidance, Nature Connection Practices, Psychology - Psychotherapy - Counseling
  • For: Groups, teams and organisations, One to one, personal
  • Payment: Donation or a specified span

This is an annual, eight-week guided journey we take each winter, with a small community of others worldwide.  Providing space and time for shared, in-depth conversational and written exploration of responses in the face of the interlocking crises we face – economic crisis, political crisis, biodiversity crisis, food crisis, pandemic crisis, climate crisis, spiritual crisis…

A place for those conversations you really need to have, with people who understand the times we’re in.

Maybe you’ve taken our course A Path Through Tumultuous Times, or independently encountered the tantalizing vision held out in the late David Fleming’s book Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy.

Maybe you’re now among those eager to go further: applying, questioning, and reforging his principles in the context of the varied realities we are facing today in our diverse home communities.

If so, then The Deeper Dive is for you. Whether you’re already hard at work on responses to our times, or seeking your calling, this is an annually curated space for recharging, reorienting and plotting together. From your own home, as part of an international community.

All the participants will have already read Surviving the Future (whether as part of a course or independently), so we’ll have a shared baseline of understanding from which to explore the leading edge thinking on how we might individually or collectively change direction before we end up where we’re headed.

Let’s be clear: none of us have neat answers to the impossible conundrums of the day. Likely there are none.

And that raises some pretty important questions for those of us alive in these times.

So we’ll gather with some of the most compelling thinkers and doers on Earth — at the time of writing, the likes of Kali Akuno, Rob Hopkins, Eve Annecke, David Abram and Nate Hagens have already confirmed — to discuss with them why they’ve chosen to walk the paths they do.

As the late David Fleming wrote “Do nothing that matters without consulting a conversation”. So now we want to go deeper, together. And numbers will be limited, to keep the conversations accessible and meaningful.

For all our lack of neat answers, we believe we have uncovered some questions worth sharing, worth chewing over together. And some paths worth walking.

You are invited to join us.


Full information:  Surviving the Future: The Deeper Dive

Contact the guide about this offer: Shaun Chamberlin

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