Type of Method
• Movement - Somatics - Embodied Practices
• Meditation - Spiritual Guidance
Suitable for
• Parent / teacher / child care provider
• One to one, personal
• Groups, teams and organisations
Breath Work is the practise of observing or deliberately changing the breathing pattern of the body to achieve particular outcomes. There is a range of skill-sets and desired outcomes for these practices which may help with Deep Adaptation.
Breathe work may induce altered states of consciousness from relaxation to heightened awareness and trance. Breathe work is a long established part of yoga, meditation, shamanic practices, martial arts and Tai-Chi. Breathe work can be used therapeutically by skilled practitioners, to heal trauma. Breath Work may be iegrated with other somatic practices
Some methods of advanced breath work can be stressful to the body and mind and are not without risk and controversy. As will all methods, checking the skillset, training, experience and intentions of the practise and the guide are highly recommended, and any guide should be willing to discuss this with you.
If you are a Deep Adaptation guide offering Breath Work and would like to comment or add to this method description please contact methodmanager@daguidance.info
Guides using this Method
Neela Paulussen
Bodyoriented (psycho)therapist
Facing collapse asks for being firmly routed in connection. I use somatic and awareness work as well …