Online Deep Relating Circles for Deep Adaptation

Type of Method

• Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy

Suitable for

• One to one, personal
• Groups, teams and organisations


These sessions are adapted as an online version of Deep Relating circles Deep Relating is a ‘relational meditation’ practice that allows us to examine our inner world of thoughts, emotions, sensations and intuitive visions as they arise in our communication with one another. The hosts and particpants will all be collapse aware to some degee. Although shares around our Deep Adaptation journeys might arise, this is not a space that’s dedicated to them! It’s more of a recognition that an awareness of our predicament will be present in the space as we dive in and follow what arises, which might have something or nothing to do with it.

Deep Relating circles online include:

– a guided meditation to tune into the body and the present moment

– a series of one-on-one interactions to warm up and practice the principles of deep relating

– a deep relating circle where we use the principles to relate to one another in a group setting

– an organisational talk: how do we organise ourselves to bring more of these experiences to the PDA community?

To join one of our online sessions, please visit:

– Deep Adaptation facebook group events page

– DA Professions’ Network events page 

Guides using this Method

Zori Tomova

Purpose alignment coach, shamanic guide & Connection Playground founder

It is my purpose to create spaces of connection that bring out the most beautiful sides of our human …

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