Katie Carr





Types of Methods

• Movement - Somatics - Embodied Practices
• Coaching - Transformation - Philosophy

Working with

• One to one, personal
• Groups, teams and organisations

Ulverston, Cumbria

I offer one-to-one support online and in person. My approach weaves together deep relating, deep listening, somatics, and internal family systems (I am an IFS-informed practitioner, certified by the IFSCA).

I will work with you to deepen your capacity for awareness and connection in the present moment, to listen intimately to your body’s innate wisdom and capacity for transformation and emotional healing.

Alignment, relief, space, acceptance, inspiration, playfulness, grounding, connection, empowerment, healing – these are all words people have used to describe what they experience in their work together with me.

An unusual element of my 1-to-1 work is that part of my background is as a sociologist, so I bring a perspective that incorporates the ways in which our individual psychologies are inextricably linked to powerful seams of social conditioning that are much bigger than any one of us, and an understanding of how that conditioning happens. I empower people to become more aware of how collective narratives around identity (purpose, power, etc) show up as beliefs, and choices we think we’re making but are actually being made for us and through us. And why contravening these internalised narratives can be so difficult.

Clients have included senior leaders across a range of sectors and large organisations – including the UN, local government, and social enterprise – who are re-aligning their work and life while integrating collapse-awareness.

As senior facilitator and a founding member of the Deep Adaptation Forum core team and Holding Group, I have accompanied many people and groups through their journeys of learning and unlearning.

I am a facilitator and space-holder, and teach DA leadership and design and facilitate DA events, including retreats, open space events, and courses.


  • Sitting with Katie in her zoom room over the past months has made space for me to quietly, gently, but nonetheless relentlessly, explore and deepen into more of myself. I am now holding myself with more awareness and courage – to face the demons, terrors, doubts, uncertainties and habits that had limited my expression to staying within the boundaries and expectations set by my familial and societal environments. With Katie holding up a mirror for me, I could see myself through a lens of warmth and compassion – acceptance of every feeling, thought and emotion no matter how dark, dangerous, chaotic and painful it might have felt to begin with. I have begun to recognise the signals of dissonance between the thoughts, words and sensations that wrap round my conditioned behaviours and have suppressed the diversity of narratives my body can spark into being; narratives that warm my belly and help my heart sing, before thoughts form and the words come out of my mouth. This is bringing significant and much welcome change into my everyday life and relationships
  • You have taught me so much, Deep Listening and Deep Relating are now processes I use all the time in my personal life., and I have definitely changed the way I participate in conversations as a result – I am so much less attached to outcomes, and so much more interested in my own processes and feelings, and the other parties, than before – relationships are richer and much more interesting, and I feel I am preparing for collapse in a particularly useful skill area. 


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Standard Coaching Generically, a coach is someone who enters into a skilful, intimate, developmental …

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Deep Relating

Deep Relating is a ‘relational meditation’ practice that allows us to examine our inner world of tho …

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Somatics is concerned with the body as perceived from within. Somatic techniques, also referred to a …

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Deep Listening for Deep Adaptation

These are online, facilitated, compassionate listening and sharing events for people to come togethe …

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